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Sunday, May 24, 2009


I feel so sleepy now , I tried to sleep but can't WTF !? weird .... must be something wrong with my brain >.< .

Oh yeah this week was like Movie Movie Movie I watched 3 MOVIES!

1st ...I watched Angels And Demon ,kinda boring for me ...Cos i hate case sloving movie ! 2nd ...

Night at the museum , Whoo Dam funny ! Those undead army are bunch of idiots ! lol and there's Darth Vader, STAR WARS dam rad !

Lastly Monsters Vs Aliens , I LOVE THAT MOVIE ! Especially BOB brianless but cute and useful . The president is a MORON got one part , he's going to press a button for a coffee and there're 2 BIG RED BUTTON 1 is a nuclear lunch button another is the coffee maker button and he almost press the nuclear button.Those people stop him in time and told him that " that was the nuclear lunch button ,the coffee marker button is on the the right .He said "who's stupid idea who invented this!" and the people told him its him afterthat he was like "Oh yeah". dam funny can't stop laughing at it..... The movie was in 3D , wore 3D glasses and watched . I'm not use to it , having headache watching it but after awhile it got better .

Yeah that's it !
Gtg ...

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