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Macbeth Footwear

Monday, December 29, 2008


Arhh !!! I'm still having diahhorea man !

Today woke up around 10.30 , the 1st thing i did was played some simple riff on my guitar , 2nd went to the toilet and exceeded out the thing that needed to be exceeded . DAM MY ASS HURT ~~~ After that went to meet Kaljian at Kambangan then waited for Tecksoon to come ,he took dam long to come . In the mean time i'm still having diahhorea so i went to the nearest toilet . While I'm shitting stupid kaljian want to peep me _!_ having difficulty shitting !

After meeting Tecksoon went to Lido to slack while waiing for Kalchun to come . When Kalchun came I brought them to Revoltage at Cineleisure to buy their pink t-shirts
that cost them $30+ i think ~~~ ( sigh i'm having Short term memory )Then what did we do ? Oh yah went to City Hall and slack .

After that went back home and watch (Little NuiNia -----> i think there's a spelling misteak )


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