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Macbeth Footwear

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Welcome 2009 !

Went down to kalchun house to practice today . Hope we will speed up our learning process :) . Too bad Tecksoon Kuey din't come sad T_T

Nothing much to post today



Monday, December 29, 2008


Arhh !!! I'm still having diahhorea man !

Today woke up around 10.30 , the 1st thing i did was played some simple riff on my guitar , 2nd went to the toilet and exceeded out the thing that needed to be exceeded . DAM MY ASS HURT ~~~ After that went to meet Kaljian at Kambangan then waited for Tecksoon to come ,he took dam long to come . In the mean time i'm still having diahhorea so i went to the nearest toilet . While I'm shitting stupid kaljian want to peep me _!_ having difficulty shitting !

After meeting Tecksoon went to Lido to slack while waiing for Kalchun to come . When Kalchun came I brought them to Revoltage at Cineleisure to buy their pink t-shirts
that cost them $30+ i think ~~~ ( sigh i'm having Short term memory )Then what did we do ? Oh yah went to City Hall and slack .

After that went back home and watch (Little NuiNia -----> i think there's a spelling misteak )


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Topless Chef

1 hour 30 minutes ago , I cooked my bad ass french toasts . By the way those girls who always wanted to see me half naked , your wish will be granted !

I almost got burn !

Sorry kids i got to censored cos you're under 18 . What am i talking i'm also under 18 stupid me . But i got the right to see my own nipple

My bad ass french toasts

After i had my bad ass fench toasts , I had a very terrible diahhorea and I'm stuck in my toilet for about 20 minute grr ~~~ It hurts !

Bad Ass


Last Friday, watched Twilight with Turkey , quite a nice movie to watch and i love the VAMPS better than the red indians ! By the way i heard from Augustine that Edward going to die in the up coming Twilight movie , SAD T_T .

At TM Mall garden plaza

Walking in through the fountain and my slippers are wet !


Yesterday went out to play bowling at Kallang Bowl . My first ever strike in my life , I must note down the date 27 , 12 , 08 Saturday and my score is over 100 whoo dam happy ! Din't know i improve so much hehe .

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Was bathing just now and i realize something . Guess what, i found a big nipple on my nipple ! When i squeeze it out , it was dam pain OUCH !

Wanted to post the photo out but then i realize that is RATED !

My first ever pimple on my nipple , RARE !

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wed , Dec 24 , 2008

Today went out with Kal and Tecky . Wanted to eat Taco Bell today at Funan Mall but couldn't find it T_T i think singapore doesn't have any Taco bell outlet already haizz .

Went to Paragon to have some fun lol , slack around in (toyrasuar ---> how an earth to spell that ) after that we saw a pony ride for kids , we decided to sat on it . That ponys rides cost us 2 bucks ! So many people watching us riding those ponys .

I felt so young .

Worst Than A Hungry Monster WE ARE GAYS ! Hey Guys I Have a Ku Ku Face He look innocent and cute BUT INSIDE OF HIM IS A Devil ( Muhahaha !! )
Finally there's a mirror for 3 of us to take picture together haha

Kal Edited This

He's Bullshiting we ain't Good haha ( just kidding )


Monday, December 22, 2008

Worst Hair Stylist Dude




( But nevermind I don't need look or attetion to show people that i'm a punkster , as long i'm punk in the inside that's it )

Harlo Agian

Today went out with Kal . Went to Peninsula Plaza to buy his red skinny for 15 buck . After that went to River Walk , dam i love that place and it made me felt like i'm in oversea :O .

In the end went to the nearest food court over there to have our lunch .Had salmon don taste quite nice .

Now i am staring at the screen thinking of things to write ...

hmmmm~~~~ nothing more

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Monday 22 December 2008

Went out shopping today , from 1p.m walk untill 9p.m DAM TIRED ! Bought 2 t-shirts from Top-man look nice ~~~ Pink and Green ! Ate tapanyaki today wow dam cool , still remember that time my friends ate tapanyaki with me he took other people dish on the girls table that's so funny !

Hmmm~~ there's nothing for me to say today then i will end this topic today .



Sunday, December 14, 2008


DoDo Bird

Skeleton of the Dodo, a famous extinct bird who once lived on the island of Maurice. Photographed at the MNHN in Paris. The Dodo died out in the 16th century, unfortunately, the last stuffed specimens housed at the natural History Museum in London looked "too shabby" so that they were thrown away. Nowaday, no one really knowns how a Dodo looks like.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Star Wars

Star wars

watch this quite funny lol


Monday, December 8, 2008

Always wanted to see ?

Always wanted to see a woman boobies ? here you go

( . V . ) -----> Boobies


I'm so lame

Sunday, December 7, 2008


It was cryshelle birthday today ! Happy Birthday ~~~~~

Went to changi first stop restaurant to celebrate . The dishes there are quite nice especially the fish whoo ~~~

When is time to sing the birthday song i was quite high so i ran around the restaurant and sang brithday song lol . I think those staff over there think i'm mad .

At Changi Beach

MacBeth Photo Shot

Chairman of Simei estate

Nite ~~~

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hello again

While today i stayed at home playing guitar all day long ~~~~~

Btw today i had my saturday morning call from Kiat Seng ....

Nothing much to write today :)
Bye ~~~~

Friday, December 5, 2008

My Guitar Infomation

Those who wan to know where i got my guitars . Both of my guitars are given by my friends and i don't have a classical guitar .

Good Nite


Such a tiring day today.Went shopping with Faqrin , Bang and my new friend shaq. Went to far east to buy my shoes and belt and lastly went to peni bought my jeans .

We went to disturb some shop over there by saying " ehh you got sell cow boy hat or not ? " then she shown us some hip hop cap and said " this 1 ??" we said " yah yah yah this 1 " then she said " what's your budget ? " we said " 0 Dollar " her face totally change into a salty face haha. Wonder can they throw us in jail or not ?

Anyway when i came home i was so tired and went to take nap . Btw nothing to write anymore .

Good Nite

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Such a boring day

Wanted to go out today but rain ~~~~ hate this season .

Last nite on Bnet chat room got 1 guy asked me

"How can a man give birth a baby ? "


Louis replied him that " maybe slot some of your sperms in your ass ? "

he said " i tried b4 nothing happened "

Louis said " try using some other guys sperm "

he said " if you're the guy i would be willing "

Louis said " NAH "

he said "come on dude "

Louis said " NAH , go changi maybe one of those girls ~~~( boy ) might do it yeah :) "

he said " OKAY i'm going go changi now hopefully it will work "

Louis said " i hope those girls are not sterilize yet ,or else .... and if work out you will be the first guys on earth to give birth a baby i think .... "

He's a idiot , boys body function is different from girls ..... btw he's cool ! haha

Such a funny guy ;)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

4.30 A.M

Just finished my dota game on Bnet , met some idiot kept saying i nv help him wtf . He went farming alone then got gang my problem agian wtf !? Our team already said stick together . He still continue farming alone tsk tsk idiot ....

Btw now is 4.30A.M the weather is so cooling feel like i'm in france hehe XD .

I love this guitar

Is a Fender Stratocaster LOVE~~~~

I'm tired ~~~ Slping time nitez ~~~~

Ain't Cute ?